
Blogs in Large Companies

In business, [[blogs]], or the more formal ‘weblogs’ are websites offering regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video by one or more authors. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order, and often include links to other sites. Comments from readers are usually encouraged, although the high incidence of comment spam have tightened up the minimum identification standards such that some login mechanism or CAPTCHA is required which the automated spambots can’t or won’t work around.

The nature and practices forming around blogs are discussed and supported with original research on the comparison of large companies (defined as greater than 1,000 employees) adoption and drivers as compared to others. The Web 2.0 panel, whose insights are captured in this report, involve the views and consumption habits of 357 business users participating in a recent Brockmann & Company survey.

Blogs are here to stay because they facilitate communications and enable lesser voices participate in a global discourse on a topic of commercial interest to the sponsoring firm.