Tandberg Results for 3Q07 Are Outstanding
Here's a company making great strides in execution. Products in the volume end of the market. Practical. No-nonsense. Practical.
Channels that are carefully balanced to assure profitability, customer choice and market coverage.
Execution looks great with Tandberg. Here are a few highlights from their analyst call earlier this week:
50% Y/Y rev growth
55% y/y operating profit
GM down slightly due to currency and mix – leaning to endpoints
US Federal Government bought big with 'HD' endpoints, financial services sector slowing
Just completed acquisition of technology leader in high density HD bridging
Introduced the Video Communications Server – delivering Find-Me sequential ringing across personal video, phone, mobile
Tandberg is well-positioned as the market undergoes a substantial transition, first spotted and leveraged by LifeSize. Now, with channel and product in shape, Tandberg is ready to facilitate the transition of the enterprise VoIP market to a visual communications market.
Great work Frederik and team. [Disclaimer: Brockmann owns no shares in Tandberg.]