Voice over frame relay had been around for a few years… In the early 1990s, I worked in the marketing…
Read MoreVoice over frame relay had been around for a few years… In the early 1990s, I worked in the marketing…
Read MoreLaura Landro of the Wall Street Journal writes about the Del Coronado. Body: Much to my delight, Laura Landro of…
Read MoreQualcomm proves something most thought was already given… … and that is that next generation CDMA radio technology can deliver…
Read MoreSurprise, mobile TV users only catch snippets (2-3 minutes) of mobile TV at one time. Orange, the mobile subsidiary of…
Read MoreThis topic came up at the Intel Software Strategy Summit. New pay-for-use and pay-for-your-use-if-you-choose-ads models seem to be practical and…
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