At the Crossroads…
I came across a very interesting company the other day. Founded and operated by leading networking luminaries including the founder of a communications software company and the former CTO of a leading telco-cableco-wireless operator the company plays an important and uniquely Canadian role in the emerging superhighway for telepresence traffic.
The company is IP-V Gateways. Founded by Pat Montani, Monty Richardson and Rob Price, the companysits as the world's first and best peering center for telepresence andvideo conferencing. First of all, the company's infrastructure in adowntown Toronto 'telehotel' is carrier-grade and suited to housethousands of ports of privately owned video conferencing bridges,session border controllers and other infrastructural components thatmake up modern video conferencing services. Having IP only isn't enoughsince there are so many needs for interoperability and connectivity toISDN-attached rooms and systems. IP-V Gateways sells exclusivelythrough video managed service providers who's customers bridge the ISDNand IP implementations. They get excellent resource leverage with thismodel since there's no need to build a big sales force to reach endusers directly.
Secondly, the company backhauls traffic to Toronto where it traversestheir short backbone, gets bridged and then redistributed back out tocustomer networks around the world. Its network of video managedservice providers are able to monitor network performance – packetloss, jitter, delay – and troubleshoot performance gaps and SLAabnormalities over virtually any carrier network in the world. Thissecond part is all about the company's IP-V INSIGHT application whichgives customers and video managed service providers performance feedsfor their sessions.
With a very focused vision and purposefully limited scope of service,the company has in four short years built up an impressive array ofclients and channels and are enabling a critical market junction withcritical service quality and specialized services. {shadowboxwtw2}It'sabout the connection. This is a market enabler that empowers channelsand simplifies enterprise infrastructures. {/shadowboxwtw2}