This white paper, entitled Introducing The Brockmann Method: How I Consistently Beat The Index And So Can You, by Wilfred P. Brockmann, FCSI, is an overview of Price Momentum, Tobias Moskowitz, PhD’s economics research, the Brockmann Method and the back test of the Brockmann Method. Back test is the evidence that the model derived from the Brockmann Method worked for the past 10 years, where we’ve witnessed several extraordinary market conditions. Past performance is no guarantee of future success, but it does provide impressive results. Here’s an excerpt.
I love the markets. I want to help people make money. I love buying and selling stocks. Over the past 35 years, I have studied, developed and proved an investment method, cleverly called the ‘Brockmann Method’ that is a disciplined approach to investing that has worked for me this past decade and can work for you too.
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