Well, we've done two road show stops and have one more to go.

Body: A multimedia, rich-media extravaganza!

Well, maybe not extravaganza.

Good videos, good powerpoints, strong presentations, strong presenters. These are the marks of an excellent program with just the right blend of new product, right now. Technologies and standards, right now. Issues and opportunities, coming up.

3Com really surprised a lot of people with the new products. Unexpected.

  • IP Messaging
  • IP Conferencing

And, of course, the $2500-value free NBX V3000 giveaway with free installation by a local partner, kept everybody there to the end.

There's something about talking about the metaphor of communications, and how it's changing:

  • call (operator – hello, operator) cira 1920
  • dial (datadatadat, dat, datadat…) cira 1950
  • press (bip, bop, boop…) cira 1980
  • click (2004)

This is an amazing platform for business improvement.
