Better anti-spam experience for business users leads to more productivity, higher customer satisfaction and greater revenues

December 6, 2007 – Northborough MA – Brockmann and Company, the customer insight firm specializing on enterprise communications research and consulting released the business case for investing in anti-spam. The report “The Problem with Email” provides insights for IT decision makers by analyzing the experiences of nearly 500 business email users and compared the results of the Top Performers with the Poor Performers.

“Overall, the 475 respondents told us that email is very important to business, but it is not a very satisfying experience,” said Peter Brockmann, President of Brockmann and Company. Users rated email 50% more important than mobile voice, 2 times more important than desktop voice and 10 times more important than faxmail. 68% of all emails originate outside the firm, and are often part of a commercial correspondence integrated with sales and service processes.

The report also introduces the Spam Index, a simple method to measure an organizations’ anti-spam performance allowing easy comparison to peers and competitors over time. The Spam Index, also available in an online tool at was developed for each user. Results were aligned best to worst and the business performance of the top 15.9% were compared to the bottom 15.9% of the study.

"Making spam fighting an IT priority helps significantly with employee productivity but also improves important business metrics like customer satisfaction and revenue. 4 times more Top Performers have very satisfied customers and 4 x greater revenue per employee than Poor Performers,” said Brockmann. The report is available for free download for a limited time at

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