
Amazing PBX in a crayon Box


For years vendors have been delivering products in a Pizza box form factor, but Digium has a new twist on that…

About the dimensions of a 64-candle crayon box, (that would be 5" deep x 10 3/8" wide x 1 3/16" tall) the folks from Digium really shaped something new, hot and impressive at the VON East in Boston this week.

I met with Bill Miller, VP PLM for Digium who is pictured here with his latest product, as part of the Asterisk Appliance Developer Program. The product, called the Asterisk Appliance Developer Kit includes a kraft port, a WAN port (Ethernet), four LAN port switching, and 2 x 4-port analog FXO or FSO ports, and a slot for compact flash (8 M comes with the package, but can address 1G). The kit includes an IP phone, two days of developer training (for one person), support services, documentation, early access to the Appliance and a future offer of an advanced copy of the Embedded Business Edition…

Impressive little package. Bill, I love the retro colors and shag carpeting! Most cool.